Entries by Samantha

Keyword Planning

Sometimes determining the best keywords for your brand can be difficult. There are lots of words that COULD fit in to what your company does, but the execution doesn’t always work out. Below, we explain a few best practices that will ensure your ad dollars go to the best possible key words. Not every word […]

Engagement Best Practices

As a brand, it is important to produce content your followers want to interact with, but merely getting likes or comments is not enough. You also need to focus on turning these likes into website clicks, calls, and purchases. Here are a few ways to engage with your followers: Use captions that ask questions to […]

Social Media Trends

Pew recently released a study detailing the most used social media platforms. This year, the surprising winner was YouTube, which 73% of adults use, beating out the previous dominating platform: Facebook.  Facebook is the second most popular due to its appeal to older generations. Fifty-five percent of adults 50 and over use Facebook, while only […]

Olympic and Super Bowl Advertising

Right now is a huge time for sport TV viewership. Between Super Bowl Sunday and not even a week later the Winter Olympics starting, now is the time to capitalize on advertising, especially if your product is sports related or sports viewing (think pizza, beer, chips, soda- you get the picture). Not every Olympic event […]

2018 Marketing Trends

2018 is here and the digital realm continues to evolve prompting new marketing trends, so what will be big in 2018? Below are a few of the marketing trends we know will continue to be huge this year. Transparency and Accountability for corporations: Just like every other realm of life, accountability is HUGE. People want […]

Maximizing Your Marketing Strategy

If you are in retail, now is the time to be pushing your product(s). The holiday season is upon us and consumers are shopping, but with so many products out there, how do you make sure you’re seen? Here are a few ideas to keep in mind: Know Your Audience: Who is your targeted demographic? […]

Holiday Marketing

The holidays can be a profitable time, but you have to make sure your product is in front of the consumer. There are a few steps to creating an effective holiday marketing strategy, and if you put forth the work, you could see great reward! Here are our recommended steps: Make a holiday calendar. Develop […]

What is SEO?

SEO is a buzzword recently, but what is it and why do you need? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is ultimately the process of enhancing your website so it populates and performs well in organic searches. SEO is what allows a plumber’s website to be placed in front of potential customers in need […]

Discover Your Brands Voice

Whether it’s social media, blog posts, or email newsletters, it is important to establish your brands voice. This should be reflective of what the company does and how you want it perceived. For example, a lawyer should be approachable, but also serious. This is a person you should trust. A consistent voice gives the perception […]

Social Media Best Practices

Social media has never been more important, but merely having an account does not mean you will be successful. Follow these best practices as a basis to make sure your social media platforms curate meaningful connections: Consistency: No, not all of your pictures have to use the same filter (though people do enjoy an aesthetically […]